Architecture, Engineering & Construction community

Autodesk is committed to supporting your efforts with a robust community and resources to help you stay competitive. Learn new skills, make new friends and professional connections. Explore and grow with the Architecture, Engineering & Construction community as we discover new ways to Make Anything.

Community connections

  • Match talent and opportunity

    Post your job openings to reach the skilled people who can take your company to the next level—or find a new role for yourself.

  • Upskilling, retooling & training

    Build up your skillset with free virtual learning opportunities and access to a wide range of resources.

  • Community conversations

    Join industry experts to help you learn about your Autodesk software and ways to accelerate your workflows.

  • Showcase your work

    Showcase and share your best work or view work from other community members for inspiration. Share ideas and get feedback on your projects.

  • Join a user group

    Find user groups, developer groups, and online groups to learn, build relationships, and share your knowledge.

  • Connect with and hire a consultant

    Retain a top industry expert to provide experienced, customized guidance on process, workflows, business reinvention, and more.

Investing in productivity, efficiency, and automation

Product forums

Ask questions, collaborate on ideas, and learn best practices for using the Autodesk products that support your business.

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